10 alibis for not starting up a business

obviously in San Marino

There is no excuse for not setting up your own business and doing business in a familiar and advantageous Country. When you have created something in your sector, you will have already done a significant step forward and it will be easier to make it a reality.

  1. I will wait for a better time.
    You decide when it is the best time.
  2. I don’t know where to start.
    Call us and we will give you all the information you need.
  3. I don’t know if I have the right skills.
    Skills can be acquired over time.
  4. I don’t have time.
    Time is never a real problem when you are confident about the quality of your project.
  5. There isn’t anyone to help me.
    There is us from Startup.sm
  6. And if it’s already late?
    It is never too late to set up your own business and however tomorrow will be later than today, therefore don’t wait any longer.
  7. People think I’m crazy!
    All those who have changed the world were called crazy.
  8. I don’t know if I have all that I need.
    If you have the proper skills, great results will not be long in coming… moreover, Startup.sm can provide you with advice and guidance.
  9. What if I fail?
    Even those who have become millionaires had the same fears.
  10. But, you know, investing money today can be risky…
    The investment would be small and however, you cannot reap what you have not sown.
Call Startup.sm today to start up your own business in San Marino!

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Startup.sm è il primo sito in italiano ed in inglese che fornisce assistenza e supporto per aprire e avviare società a San Marino: scopri gli incentivi, le regole e i motivi per fare impresa a San Marino.